tisdag 14 februari 2017

Läseseminarie 1

Chapters seven and eight in the book teaches the reader different methods of data collection and analysis. Their pros and cons and common mistakes and things to look out for.
One of these methods is called the grounded theory approach. When you use that you gather some data and then find a theme or pattern in the data, which you investigate further in the next gathering session. This is repeated until no new patterns emerge. The researchers should aim to refine and integrate their theories continuously as well. When using this method the researcher is encouraged to use their prior knowledge to draw conclusions.

The text discusses the importance of remaining objective when following this approach. But more importantly of maintaining objectiveness while also drawing conclusions and working further on investigating those theories. This is a delicate balance. It is also important to distinguish the level of detail that is pertinent to the goal of the study.

Chapter ten touches on the importance of having intended customers and users in mind when designing your product. Their needs, wants and prior knowledge all influence the design.  Contextual inquiry is a model of data gathering where the researcher ask questions where the answers will be an aid in the design process.

A  couple of questions I find interesting are:

Is our perspective big/forward planning enough? How do we know that we are not just creating a new problem?

How do we avoid confirmation bias?

How will our product handle accessibility? For example color-blindness if we make an app.

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